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YouTube Collections of the Gala and Many More

We want to share our amazing milestones captured in vignettes of YouTube collections that are BOLD and UNSTOPPABLE!

Preparation, preparation, preparation is everything!

How do you become BOLD and UNSTOPPABLE?
Meet our Executive Board 2022-2024. 

Not included:

Vice President - Vi Dioneda
President-Elect - Joselito Muncada
President - Mila Sprouse

Chair and Co-chair of the Education Committee, Ludy Deleon and Honey Magto unleashed their BOLD and UNSTOPPABLE inaugural education series. 
Congratulations to the Good Samaritan Foundation Nursing Excellence recipients.
Chair Membership Committee Eman Garcia, announced that we had met our goal of increasing membership in our first month of the term 2022-2024.

Strategic Planning at its Best! 2022-2024 PNA North Houston Executive Board. Thank you to our PNAA President, Dr. Gloria Beriones, and PNAA Executive Board Member, Dr. Riza Mauricio, for your presence and support during the all-day meeting! The PNA North Houston EB was simply Bold & Unstoppable!

Our Bold and Unstoppable BID for the 2024 PNAA Convention. Congratulations to Southern Cal for the honor of hosting the convention. We will see you in 2024!

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